Hi everyone,
Many apologies for those who like to read this, (no idea how many of you there are) but I realise I have not written for weeks and weeks. I have been in Nimes nearly 6 weeks.
What to say?
I am sitting in my room in my apartment looking over red roofs at a flawlessly blue sky (which appears 95% of the time here) contemplating the last 6 weeks and how much life has changed!
Well... yes, life has changed. I am no longer living in wet England, I am not near friends and family. But my life has been changing for the last 6 years on and off. And I am happy to say that although I could have moved 900 miles south, I'm still completely myself, God is still as close as He has ever been, and I am still living...
As of two weeks ago, I am waitressing, yet again. But this time in an Italian restaurant in the south of France where I spend 20 hours a week running around in varying degrees of heat, serving people in French and using a crazy auto-command system. But to be honest, it's still waitressing. (Minus the generous tips I was used to back home - French people just don't seem to tip that much!)
I am starting a 'proper grown-up job' in September in a language school where I will be teaching English to the general public, and doing some private tutoring on the side.
Quite frankly, when I felt God tell me to move to Nimes a few months back, I had to completely trust Him. I had no idea what was going to happen. I had four weeks to find somewhere to live, I had some money to live off for a couple of months, and a wonderful man to finally (after a year of long-distance) be near to. After a couple of weeks (and an unreasonable amount of stress on my part) I found a reasonable flat-share really near to the city centre and sorted it all out with the landlord over the phone, and JB went to collect the keys before I arrived. I continued to search for jobs online, and got an interview for the day after I arrived.
I only just heard back from that interview. The response was positive but I had to turn the job down, because since that time, (after about 2 weeks of being here), God had not only provided me with one job, but several. In a week, I was offered work in a childcare agency, was interviewed for the language school job, and was offered a summer job in the restaurant. I took the summer job, and the English teaching job. I am going to do some extra childcare work when I can, and I have also had several responses to my personal tutoring advert. God has abundantly blessed my job search and made me realise that trusting Him with my life was the right thing to do.
Is the right thing to do, for all of us, all our lives. He will never let us down. We just need to have faith. In His love for us, in His provision and in His timing.
This life is a massive journey, right now I'm in Nimes, and I feel completely peaceful here, learning new things, gaining new skills and to be quite honest, enjoying an amazing summer!
So many things have happened since I've been here, but there will be more form me soon :)
Day after I arrived - white English person! I'm much more tanned now, promise ;) |