Tuesday, 8 February 2011


This morning...

I woke up at 5.30am to hear the little one screaming... So I went to give him a cuddle but he was crying for his parents, so I tried to get him to lie down in my bed, but he wouldn't. By this time, my little girl was also awake, and so in the end, I just sat them in front of a disney film until it was time to get ready for school. And of course they played up, and t all got a bit stressful! But they're all at school now and I can relax... I am so so tired! and its raining...

Daddy is back tonight so hopefully things will be better! I'm sure it's really hard for the children having their parents away a lot and I feel for them so much...its just a matter of finding a balance for them, and I hope that they are getting more used to me - I get lots of cuddles and kisses anyway, so I think they like me!

I'm off to an English Bible study tonight, really looking forward to it, and feel so blessed that God has provided so well in this way.

Off for a nap now :)

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