Sunday, 20 March 2011

being positive :)

On Friday night, I suffered a bit of a disappointment. Something I was very happy about and something I was so looking forward to has taken a bit of a knock, and as a result, I felt pretty sad and couldn’t sleep a lot that night.
But I decided to try my best not to dwell on something that may only be righted with time and prayer. God has great plans, and how little we know of what He will do. Plus, there are so many more devastating things happening to people all the time, and I know I need to get some perspective…and man up!

I basically had a bit of a lazy day. I spent the morning writing letters and emails and catching up with friends and family. In the afternoon, I was very tired, and it being a bit of a murky day, I decided to go to bed and watch films.
I found a copy of ‘Into the Wild’ and having never watched it all the way through, and hearing good things about it, I decided to go for that. However, I fell asleep half way through, so I still have yet to see the whole thing!
What I did see of it, however, I really loved. I love the idea of just getting rid of material possessions and enjoying the blessings that God gives you along the way…and surviving on so little. I know I could not ever do it, but it was an inspiring story, even though the ending was a little sad, it was also uplifting. If you haven’t seen it – do!

I then watched a French film lent to me from Maria ‘Le Petit Nicholas’, acclaimed film about a little boy, his school, family and friends. It was a nostalgic look at a time that has passed and the innocence of children. Not really a children’s film at all, and very touching and funny!

By the time I’d finished watching the films, the family had got back from their afternoon out, so I helped feed the kids and make a Spanish Tortilla for our dinner after they had gone to bed: it was pretty delicious and washed down with a nice glass of red. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned before, but they have a full-on wine cellar in the basement!! It’s pretty cool. They always drink good wine – nothing like the stuff I can afford…bit of a perk!

Afterwards, I headed over to Ian’s house – about a 5 minute walk – to join some of the young people from church for games! It was really nice, just 7 of us playing silly games and having a laugh! The three French people left around 11, but Lauren and I ended up staying with Ian and Maria until gone 1am playing games and talking. I don’t know how the time went so fast, but it was a good evening! The walk home was also amazing, there was a full moon and it was so bright. It felt amazing to feel all alone and I was really aware of God’s love.

Again, it was difficult to sleep last night as the people in the apartment below were having a bit of a loud party. To be fair though, they do have to deal with very noisy children above them very early in the morning, so you can hardly blame them!
Church this morning was nice. Really good songs today! …but I didn’t really understand the preach although I managed to find the verses in my bible.
It’s really sunny this afternoon, but after lunch, all I feel like doing is having a nap…again!

I hope everyone is having a restful weekend, and that your week starts well :)

Lucy xxx

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