Saturday, 4 June 2011

Tuesday: the day my parents arrived in Nancy :)

Yes, the time is passing fast, but this has felt like a long week!
Lots of things have happened. There has been very hot weather and very wet weather. There have been children, and an apartment empty of children. There have been friends and there has been family. All in the space of 6 days. It feels like about a month has passed since cake and beer in Germany.

On Tuesday, after my English lessons, I helped Betsy move out of her old (tiny!) university residence. Although she hasn't been living there for 2 months, she still had to keep it on as she had signed a contract. We had a bit of a fuss with the office people about how much she owed, but we walked away from it feeling pleased that the job was done. Also feeling sad as it means she has to leave soon... She is one of the best friends I have ever had. I know I say this a lot, but she really is amazing, and I will miss her so much!
Afterwards we had lunch and exchanged back rubs back at her place before I headed back to get ready for the arrival of my parents!
Sadly it was pouring with rain as their train pulled into Nancy. Not the most wonderful first impression, but it was amazing to see them there in this city I now call home. Unfortunately, it was getting close to school run town, so I took them to their beautiful hotel and dashed off to get the children. Thankfully they were good that evening, and I got them all down with no problems. Straight after, I headed down to the Place Stan and met with Betsy and Matthias before meeting my parents at one of the brasseries. We all sat outside under the canopy and talked for an hour or so. I was so happy that Mum and Dad got to meet some of my friends and vice versa... showing them some of my world here! I think it was also really great for my friends to meet my parents too as they are obviously a huge part of my life! Afterwards, we parted ways and Mum, Dad and I chose a restaurant on the Rue Gourmandises (As - I think - it is affectionately known). We had a really lovely meal,  catching up and me talking far too much about everything here in Nancy! I am so fortunate to have such amazing parents and it is amazing to have such a good relationship with them now I am grown up!
Afterwards, I took them to Les Artistes for a nightcap, and we parted ways...

More on the rest of the week tomorrow!

God bless xxx

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