Saturday, 24 September 2011

loving being back in Nancy!

You may have noticed the change in the name of my blog... I thought it was time, since I'm not strictly an Au Pair anymore...and today it stuck me that I really am living life in franglais! It's an interesting place to be, finally thinking and speaking in two different languages in equal measure...and finally being able to be with a group of people and not even thinking about what anything means in English for hours on end.

After a day at home with the kids, I went out to meet a couple of friends from church, and while waiting for them to show, I met an English guy who had just arrived in Nancy. We went and had a drink with some other people who had randomly all gotton into the same place at the same time and who were a mixture of English French and American. He's a Christian and seemed really happy to meet me then some more people from church.
It reminded me so much of how I felt when I first arrived, and it was so great to be able to speak with him and hopefully make him feel happier about being here and knowing that there is a (non-Catholic) Christian community here!
After that, we went and got kebabs (I swear I'm turning into one - but there are a couple of places that make them sooo good here!) and sat on the Place and chatted. nancy really is so beautiful!!
Athough today was a lovely warm day, Autumn is definitely on it's way and the mornings and evenings are cold. Looking forward to experiencing the heat that will be Nimes next weekend!! (And to seeing a certain somebody who lives there too...)
Home early, and I'm glad - I'm shattered! The family definitely got their money's worth out of me today! These children are practically fluent in English already....

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